In my excitement to both detox and recharge my cells, I tried so many different versions of Humic & Fulvic over the years.
The dirty little secret of the Humic & Fulvic industry is that the majority sold for human consumption is the cheaper toxic Humic & Fulvic used in industrial agriculture.
It is simply relabled and sold at a huge profit margin to unsuspecting consumers.
This product is contaminated with high amounts of heavy metals like lead, arsenic, cadmium as well as harsh industrial acids used in processing.
If you are lucky enough to find a clean Humic & Fulvic it is usually extremely diluted with water or sold as powder in tiny, hard to digest cellulose capsules.
Both the water dilution and capsules are ways of charging more for less product.
I’m such a big believer in the power of these special minerals that I said to heck with this!
I started contacting manufacturers to create my own Humic & Fulvic formulation.